The Real Anastasia Romanov
Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov was the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, the last emperor of Russia. Born in 1901, Anastasia grew up in a life of luxury amidst her close-knit family until the Russian Revolution of 1917 turned their world upside down. The Romanovs were imprisoned and eventually executed by Bolsheviks in July 1918 in Yekaterinburg. For years, rumors persisted that one or more members of the royal family might have survived the execution, sparking one of history’s greatest mysteries.

Anna Anderson: The Mystery Woman
In 1920, a woman attempted suicide by jumping into Berlin’s Landwehr Canal. Rescued and taken to Dalldorf Mental Hospital (now Wittenau), she initially refused to reveal her identity, earning the moniker "Fräulein Unbekannt" (Miss Unknown). Over time, she began claiming that she was none other than Anastasia Romanov, who had miraculously escaped the execution.
This assertion captivated Berlin society and the world at large. Her real name, however, was later suggested to be Franziska Schanzkowska, a Polish factory worker with a troubled past. Despite this revelation, many chose to believe her royal claim, including some members of the Russian exile community in Berlin.

Berlin: The Stage for a Royal Controversy
During the Weimar Republic, Berlin was a hub of cultural and political upheaval, providing fertile ground for sensational stories. The Russian expatriate community, known as “Charlottengrad” due to its concentration in Charlottenburg, became deeply involved in the Anastasia debate. Wealthy Russian aristocrats and exiles had fled Bolshevik persecution, establishing a vibrant enclave in the city.
Some members of this community supported Anna Anderson’s claims, while others vehemently rejected them. Berlin’s press played a significant role in amplifying the story, and Anderson’s identity became a topic of heated public debate.
Charlottengrad: A Glimpse into Russian Berlin
The Russian exile community in Berlin, particularly in Charlottenburg, played a unique role in shaping the city’s cultural landscape during the interwar period. Affectionately nicknamed “Charlottengrad,” the neighborhood was home to Russian cafes, bookstores, and cultural hubs. It became a meeting point for intellectuals, artists, and exiles reminiscing about the lost imperial Russia.
This vibrant community was deeply affected by Anderson’s claims, with some seeing her as a symbol of hope and continuity, while others dismissed her as an impostor seeking fame.
Later Life and DNA Revelation
In the following years, Anderson moved to various European countries and eventually settled in the United States. She continued to assert her identity as Anastasia Romanov until her death in 1984. Her story remained one of intrigue and controversy.
It wasn't until the 1990s that DNA testing finally put the mystery to rest. Genetic tests confirmed that Anna Anderson was not related to the Romanov family but was indeed Franziska Schanzkowska. The remains of the real Anastasia, along with those of her family, were discovered and identified through DNA analysis, conclusively ending decades of speculation.
The Legend on Screen
The fascination with Anastasia’s story inspired numerous books, plays, and films. One of the most famous adaptations is the 1956 film Anastasia, starring Ingrid Bergman, who won an Academy Award for her performance. In 1997, an animated musical film titled Anastasia captured the imaginations of a new generation, blending historical events with fictional fantasy elements.

The tale of Anastasia and Anna Anderson remains one of Berlin’s most fascinating historical anecdotes. It highlights the city’s role as a crossroads of intrigue during the early 20th century and offers a glimpse into the lives of those who sought refuge and identity in the aftermath of revolution and war. Today, the story continues to captivate, reminding us of the enduring allure of mysteries that blur the line between history and legend.